Suomen Liittymisjohdot Oy is part of Kymenlaakson Sähkö group. Kymenlaakson Sähkö is a fully Finnish energy company. Over the past 100 years, we have built a strong and future-oriented company.
Our goal is to be Finland’s leading provider of connection cables and promote the green transition of the energy sector with electricity transmission solutions.
Suomen Liittymisjohdot Oy
Suomen Liittymisjohdot was founded in 2023 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kymenlaakson Sähkö.
Suomen Liittymisjohdot Oy’s operating concept
We are a responsible, reliable and long-term partner. We offer a positive and profitable partnership for carbon-free electricity production projects. We support renewable electricity production and work to make Finland carbon-free. We also cut down harmful effects on the climate. Our solutions help to reduce electricity losses, the overall land area needed for changing land use and the impacts on nature.
In renewable energy production projects, time and costs are often unnecessarily spent on duplicate grid solutions that do not take into account the big picture. We offer a reliable partnership for projects. We co-ordinate the connection of energy production to the grid with extensive experience, in a holistic and responsible manner, taking into account the landowners and environmental aspects. By integrating all electricity transmission needs, we make the connection line investments more efficient and reduce the investment costs as well as the project’s timetable- and cost-related risks.
We innovate and offer new services and solutions. We co-ordinate, resolve and secure electricity transmission in all circumstances in co-operation with our trusted partners. It is important to us to interact with our clients openly.
By working well together, we save the environment, time and money.
Kymenlaakson Sähkö is an energy group owned by 10 municipalities. The group consists of Kymenlaakson Sähkö Oy, responsible for the energy business, and its wholly owned subsidiaries, which are the distribution system operator Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy as well as Suomen Liittymisjohdot Oy. The company also has holdings in the Kymppivoima companies, Kaakon Alueverkko Oy, Orimattilan Lämpö Oy and Elvera Oy.
Find out more about Kymenlaakson Sähkö at